Red Cloud Ecotourism Workshop held
By Katie Nieland, Center for Great Plains Studies
The Center for Great Plains Studies held a workshop on nature tourism in Red Cloud, Neb., on July 18.
Topics covered included:
- Ecotourism on the Great Plains with Katie Nieland
- Ecotourism as a way to enhance rural life with ecotourism operator Sarah Sortum
- Green business practices with Nebraska Business Development Center’s Rick Yoder.
- Premises liability with UNL Law Prof. Anthony Schutz
- Astro-tourism with the Nebraska Star Party
The workshop was held with the support of the Rural Futures Institute and planning help from the Willa Cather Foundation. These topics and more like them will be covered at the 2018 Great Plains Symposium: “Plains Safaris: A Conference on Tourism and Conservation in the Great Plains.”