New Guidebook: Roaming the Plains

guide-book-coverLast summer, the Great Plains Ecotourism Coalition was out in the field searching the state for great ecotourism operations. Because almost all of Nebraska’s land is privately owned, we looked for for-profit ecotourism businesses whose owners were going the extra mile to conserve their land and share it with travelers.

We spent time at each location. We asked questions. We took photos. We wanted to make sure we could share the best possible spots for an engaging experience with Great Plains nature. The outcome is our new guidebook, Roaming the Plains: Eight Great Ecotourism Opportunities in Nebraska.

The book is a full-color, glossy companion to your trip through the Great Plains. It describes how these ecotourism operations came to be, what you can see there, and why ecotourism is an important method of conservation in the North American Great Plains. The book is available for $10 at the Great Plains Art Museum in downtown, Lincoln, Neb., at Hardin Hall on UNL’s East Campus, and online at UNL’s Maps & More store. All proceeds go toward our continued work in ecotourism. We plan to expand the project to other Great Plains states in the coming months.

Roaming the Plains was written by Kat Shiffler and Rick Edwards and designed by Katie Nieland.